‘’ You wanna know the truth? “
“ Well, the fucked up truth is that not everything happens for a reason. Sometimes people make the wrong decisions and they’re forced to live with them for the rest of their lives. And I know I should live with mine and my parents should live with theirs because I mean what choice do we have? You can’t turn back the clocks and redo things. You make a mistake and you pay the price, that’s the cold hard truth about life.
You can’t change a decision you’ve already made, wrong or right. But on the loneliest nights, I look up at the moon and I smile. Because although now we walk different paths, with different people and although I know that years will pass and we still won’t be together just like the good old days.
I’ll always remember that for a brief, fraction of a moment, against all the odds, our stars crossed and I was born. And that will always, always be enough for me”